In a world in which we feel a huge pressure to reach success, we are tired of people bragging about their success holding us hostage to unrealistic standards.

That’s why I Love Failure is devoted to reducing fear of failure through unique events where speakers give short powerful talks about their failures and lessons learned.

I Love Failure conferences and events are organised with the support of an amazing group of volunteers. If you are between 16-35 y.o., register here and you can be one of the people that works behind the scenes to make things happen!

What’s in it for you?

  • Grow your network with amazing people;
  • Be part of a movement that will change you and soon the world;
  • You’ll see how things happen behind the scenes;
  • You’ll learn valuable skills and insights to help you succeed in your future career;
  • You’ll get to attend the conferences & events;
  • Last but not least, you’ll have lots of FUN!
Apply for Volunteer